SDA: Specialist Disability Accommodation is funded housing for participants who have severe dysfunctionality and impairment, having high support and assistance needs. Participants may require overnight support from their SDA provider through payments approved in their NDIS plan. Not more than 6 per cent of participants require such intensity support. The plan is accommodated in a custom manner as per the location, support needed and level of accessibility.
SIL: Supported Independent Living offers the support that participants need for everyday activities for leading a smooth life. This support is not very high intensity and helps the participants carry out their routine in a truly effective and supported manner. The assistance includes personal care, help with commuting and coordinating housework, meeting medical requirements and appointments, cooking, cleaning and actively participating in the community activities.
ILO: Independent Living Options can include the participant wanting to live with hosts, co-residents, sharing NDIS participants, circle of support, supporting families or friend, and/or supportive neighbours. It gives people with disability increased options to choose where, how and with whose support they want to live. It includes host arrangements and private houses, most participants with SDA funding have ILO in their NDIS plan.
ILO is different in the sense it promotes independent living by offering holistic support from peer group and family to help a person with a disability live happily in the community. It also includes shared rent or home with a staff member available with them for help. Various combinations of plans offer you the flexibility and freedom of choice you need for growth-oriented support.
Our goal is to help you make the right decisions for your life so that you are able to live as independently as possible. We help you to maintain your accommodation and tenancy arrangements by liaising with real estate agents, assisting with tenancy applications, undertaking tenancy obligations, and connecting you to concerned authorities to have a stable accommodation
We make every effort to ensure a safe accommodation for NDIS Participants so that they can have the peace of mind they deserve.
We understand the importance of having a stable accommodation, and the tranquility that follows. Our aim is to stimulate the growth of NDIS participants, which is only possible when everything at the ground level is in place.
Our experienced support workers support you, guide you, and/or undertake activities to ensure that accommodation of eligible NDIS participants is maintained for a long-term.
All our support workers are great listeners, hence, they sit back and listen to the home and living goals of the participants and make all possible arrangements to help them achieve those